How do I add Paypal buy now buttons?
Paypal buttons can be added via HTML Snippets. You will be able to add a product selection and customize for different product options through Paypal's website. Paypal will automatically generate the code you need for pasting into HTML Egg's snippet.

Please note you will require an active Paypal account in order to generate code for shopping cart.

We recommend checking out for the latest information on this topic.

How to generate button code:
  • Log in to your PayPal account at
  • At the top of the page, select Tools > All Tools > PayPal buttons
  • Choose "Create new button"
  • Choose the button type you wish to use, select "Buy Now".
  • Customize button with your product information
  • If you wish for customers to have the option to adjust purchase quantity, please choose "Customize Advanced Features (optional)". For option "Do you want to let your customer change order quantities?", please choose "Yes".
  • Copy payment button code
  • Choose "Save Changes"
  • Copy code generated
How to add button to your web page:
  • Add a HTML snippet
  • Paste in button code